Do you need a solicitor to write a Will?

Does Writing a Will Require a Solicitor? Here’s What You Need to Know

It is a common misconception that a person’s Last Will and Testament needs to be drawn up (or, at the very least, witnessed) by a solicitor in order to be legally binding. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Anybody can write their own Will and it will be just as valid as anything drafted in a solicitors office.

That’s not to say that writing your own Will doesn’t carry risks for you and your Estate. You need to get the wording right in case a claim is later made against your estate. You must ensure the Will is properly witnessed – not just at the initial signing, but with each future change.

What are the Alternatives?

So, what is the alternative? If you don’t want to use a solicitor, but you wish to know your Will is going to be executed correctly, your other course of action is to instruct a will writing service.

Here at Paradigm Wills and Legal Services, for instance, we have decades of experience between us, drawing up legally valid Wills for customers across Leicester, Birmingham, London, and beyond. You get the same autonomy as you would if you drafted your own Will, with the added peace of mind that it will be executed the way you want it, following your passing.

Not only are we experts at drawing up Wills, we can also provide you with some tangentially-related services. These include things like asset management, so that your beneficiaries get the most amount of your Estate that they are entitled to. This ensures that your hard-earned assets are distributed towards your family, rather than the Inland Revenue. We can also assist your beneficiaries should anybody attempt to make a claim against your Will.

Why Choose a Professional Will Writing Service?

We are proud members of the Institute of Professional Willwriters. This is the independent governing body for our profession, and the body which produces code of practice with which all professional will writers must comply. This ensures the integrity of our work and the protection afforded our clients by having a properly worded and constructed Will.

Get in Touch with Paradigm Wills and Legal Services

If you require a new will, or wish to update an existing one, without instructing a solicitor, call Paradigm Wills and Legal Services today on 0800 999 7750.